of Kansas City

D.F.A.K.C. pronouced as "da Facts"
We set out to present the facts (DFAKC)

…We Got Some Catching Up To Do

…We Got Some Catching Up To Do

We at the “Tribal Squawk” feature inside of the Descendant Freedmen Alliance of Kansas City’s website offer an apology. It’s been too long since we last added new content to this feature. We experienced some technical difficulties where articles that were being submitted, were not being published to the site. we are finally able to root out the problem and hopefully, this test article will appear on the website. This test article is news of profound importance. There have been short articles here concerning the lawsuit filed by Rhonda Grayson and Jeff Kennedy on behalf of the Creek Freedmen against the Muscogee Nation.

On September 27, 2023, the decision of Judge Denise Mouser of Muscogee Creek Nation District Court was in favor of the Creek Indian Freedmen. The decision affirmed that Article II of the 1866 Creek Treaty is the supreme law of the land. It guarantees that Creek Freedmen and their descendants, regardless of their blood status, “shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges of native citizens of  the MCN. And that the MCN does not have a right to discriminate against Creeks of African descent. Unfortunately, the MCN chose to appeal the decision, which will further the division. The Tribal Squawk plans to keep updating you as to the progress of the proceedings.