of Kansas City

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Form letter or template to Congress by Angela Walton-Raji

Form letter or template to Congress by Angela Walton-Raji

The Honorable (First name) (Last name)

(Room Number)

House Office Building City, State, (Zip code)

RE: H.R. 5195, the “Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 2021 (NAHASDA)” and H.R. 5196, the “Expediting Assistance to Renters and Landlords Act of 2021,”

Dear (Representative/Senator/Congressman or Congresswoman) (Last name):

My name is (your first and last name) and I live in your district in the state of Oklahoma. My residence is (name of town)

I am writing to bring to your attention two recent bills that are now out of committee and will soon be argued in the (House or Senate)

Many in your district are Freedmen descendants from four of the five slave-holding tribes that once held several thousand black people as slaves. These are the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Nations, that today blatantly discriminate openly against the descendants of their former slaves. These tribes signed a treaty with the United States after the Civil War, agreeing to give citizenship to their former slaves with all of the rights

that come with citizenship. The Chickasaws broke their treaty with the U.S. and never granted citizenship. Bill(s) HR 5195 and Bill HR 5916 will be discussed soon in the (House or Senate) with a clause offering protections and rights for Freedmen descendants. These are people in your district who can demonstrate a documented tie to their tribe. Therefore, your support for said bills is requested, and I am writing to request that the provisions pertaining to the Freedmen remain in the final version of the bill. Again, I ask that you vote in favor of said bills and I would also like to hear from you or a designated representative from your office once this letter is received.

Sincerely,  SIGN YOUR NAME, print your name, street address, city, state, and zip code. (Be  sure to include your name and address on both your letter and envelope.)

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